We are grateful for a wonderful 2019!
We wish you all a brilliantly fantastic 2020.
May God bless and keep you always, may your wishes all come true. May you always do for others and let others do for you. May you build a ladder to the stars and climb on every rung, and may you stay, forever young!
– Bob Dylan
Many blessings everyone!!
Composer: Koos du Plessis
Arranger: Franco Prinsloo
“Somerkersfees” is an Afrikaans carol written by legendary Afrikaans singer/poet Koos du Plessis. The third verse was written by Jannie du Toit.
Lyrics (Afrikaans):
1. Welkom o stille nag van vrede,
Onder die suiderkruis,
Wyl stemme uit die ou verlede
Oor sterre velde ruis
Kerfees kom, Kersfees kom –
Gee aan God die eer.
Skenk ons ‘n helder Somerkersfees
In hierdie land, o Heer.
2. Hoor jy hoe sag die klokke beier
In eeue-oue taal.
Kyk, selfs die nagtelike swye
Vertel die ou verhaal.
3. Voel jy ook nou sy warm liefde
As ons die dag gedenk,
Toe Hy sy Seun aan ons gegee het –
Ons grootste Kersgeskenk.
1. Welcome o Silent night of Peace
Underneath the Southern Cross
While voices of the distant past
Whisper across the starry fields
Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming!
Give honor to God
Gift us a bright “Summer-Christmas”
in this land, O Lord
2. Do you hear the bells softly ringing
in an ancient tongue?
Look – even the quiet of the night
tells the old old story
3. Do you feel His warm love
as we celebrate the day
he gave us His Son –
Our biggest gift!
Live recording on 30 November 2019 at St Mary’s Cathedral, Cape Town